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Monday, January 09, 2006

Resolute on no Resolutions

The New Year has just come and as usual newspapers and TV channels are interviewing celebrities from all walks of life to find out their New Year resolutions. As usual there are such versatile ones and the most common one being wanting to lose weight or trying to give up smoking.
I have always been resolute on not making new year resolutions for the simple fact that embarking on something new does not depend on something as abstract as the earth’s latest revolution around the Sun. Why do people the world over want to make drastic improvements in their life only on that very day? Does the Sun emit special light during this period that enable such desires to come into light? Is it forbidden by law to take up a resolution on non New Year days?

Below are some of the perceivable benefits of New Year resolutions-

They are most common conversation topics. When you meet your neighborhood uncle or aunty who has watched you grow up the most commonly uttered dialogue would be ‘ Omigosh look how big you have grown up to be’. Often I have been bemused over the usage of big; both grammatically and literally on New Year’s Eve and many other days. But one month subsequent and consequent to any New Year the most common teatime or any time tête-à-têtes would be New Year resolutions. Even weather discussions would have taken a comfortable back seat in the world of compulsory yet polite meaningless banter.

New Year resolutions also go a long way in filling up some corners of Newspaper supplements. Very often when most of the world is partying and there is very little political activity going on. No political honchos resigning; no mike slinging parliament sessions; no uprooting state governments and embellished and badly enacted dramas of son dethroning dad. Amidst all this interviewing college goers in coffee shops and housewives attending computer classes about their resolutions seem to be a very smug job for journalists across news stations. Radio jockeys and the like drag themselves to work all in between hangover pills and coffee and make life easy for them by talking on resolutions.
All this I say not being oblivious to the fact that wannabe bloggers try their usual tricks.
Though one can see a lot of benefits of New Year resolutions I have been an obstinate on no resolutions. Losing all the put on flab of May has to wait till next January to be shed makes life unnecessarily complicated and also requires memory cells to work overtime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

punished this year had the rules not The cost of providing insurance to the promote high-deductible health average earnings up to $29,955, and his youth in nearby Rockville, he became

10:32 AM  

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