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Location: India

Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Earth - Our Responsibility

Have you ever lost sleep over Global Warming? Do you think that this problem has to be solved only by the UN or US? Why is it suddenly so cool to talk about Global Warming?

Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are the highest in 650,000 years !
Levels of atmospheric methane have risen 145%. Glaciers are melting faster than the rate of the Indian stock markets. There are so many hurricanes hitting the world that we are running out of names to name them! 6 of the hottest ever years have occurred after the year 2000.

As individuals what can you and I do about this? How can you and I measure the amount of damage or impact we have on our environment?

A very effective way is the Carbon Footprint.

What is Carbon Footprint?

A Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.

A Carbon Footprint is made up of the sum of two parts - the direct / primary footprint and the indirect / secondary footprint.

1. The primary footprint is a measure of our direct emissions of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels including domestic energy consumption and transportation (e.g. car and plane).
2. The secondary footprint is a measure of the indirect CO2 emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use - those associated with their manufacture and eventual breakdown.

How do you calculate your carbon footprint?


My Carbon Footprint is 5 tonnes with the world average is 4 tonnes and to combat climate change the target is 2 tonnes.

What is your carbon footprint?

What can you do to offset your carbon footprint?

- Recycle and Reuse
- Manage energy sources better
- Plant trees
- Think of alternative sources of energy
- Remember that our planet is our responsibility.


Any more ideas ?


Blogger Kash R said...

About time people start acting and doing something about saving the planet.

My two cents on the easiest way to do it

- More exposure and awareness in media- Algore did that and see the effect it had on people.

-Plus it has to made into a lifestyle statement. Like healthy eating and excercise, going green is a lifestyle statement. Make it fashionable. People will do anything to be part of a cliche and be recognized.

Both of these are things that need to be done in the long run...fo something to do before http://www.earthhour.org

12:32 AM  
Blogger Kamal Agarwal said...

One of the other ways is individuals taking initiative towards spreading awareness and yours is a good one!

9:02 AM  
Blogger Aditi Bhagwat said...


Today its more than a lifestyle statement. Its a grave and serious issue that is endangering our very existence on this Earth. Its time the world gets really serious about this. Its our home. We have to do all we can to preserve it, more than just talking right ?


Yes awareness is the first step. How this will translate into action still needs to be seen.

9:23 PM  
Blogger brinzy said...

Hi adi,

You have brought up a very good point. I have been a bangalorean from birth, and its disheartening to see the trees in and around Bangalore disappear. What is lost is lost and we need to preserve what is left. The first step can begin with us.

May be we can start off with simple things in our everyday life.

1) Stop printing documents unnecessarily while at work.
2) Avoid using paper tissues (use a handkerchief)
3) Use recycled paper as much as possible.

These activities sound very simple, but if followed in large organizations effectively, they may reduce the usage of paper eventually reducing the number of trees that are cut down.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Born on Friday the 13th said...

Hi, came across your blog
On a practical note;
Spreading awareness is the only way to counter gobal warming...
How many would bother as to whats happening around them?
How many would stop smoking to save the environment?How many would stop using their cars for travelling to office, ( just look at the traffic statistics today in gulf news vehicles have double in 4 years)
With smoke rates going up everyday doing our bit might help but will hardly matter.
But as a part of awareness
I started to dry my hands using a air drier in rest rooms cos i saw a placard which said
"It takes 24 trees to make a tissue box please use drier and save our environment.

3:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bhagwat,
again a good blog frm ur side.

i suggest

1. Implementing 100 % paperless office.

2. Using public transport / giving lift to ur colleuges

3. Stick strictly to office timings and save energy.

4. Initiate scientific waste disposal, useful in making renewable energy.

6:16 AM  
Blogger A Random Traveler said...

Very well listed troubles. Being from solar energy physics, i can say that, for india, we can do really a lot, if all people who can afford solar cells, can use them in their houses(in rooftops and gardens) and link it to the current grids, so this helps in creating power for themselves and also looping it back to the grid. In countries like Belgium and Netherlands, where sun is not so great, this arrangement still works and amazingly the government pays the citizens for generating power like this. It is profitable for all sides, even in an economic point.

11:59 AM  

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